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Comic Art

Examples of various comic related art I have created.

Shatter (First Comics)

Artwork created from layout to the black and white "camera ready" art before color was added in the traditional method. I produced this art on a MacPlus with 1Mb of RAM and an 800K floppy drive. Only about two thirds of a full page was visible to work on unless you switched to thumbnail mode to see the entire page on a drastically reduced scale. About half the issues were drawn with the standard Mac mouse until a small drawing tablet became commercially available.

Whitewater Software Manual Art

I was asked to illustrate a software manual with a fully realized comic book to guide the reader through the chapters.

Ralph the Punk

Ralph is an original character born out of doodles on Post-its™ at a law firm temp job. This  character was eventually seen around the world when the music video was placed on the annual SIGGRAPH art show compilation videotape of the best of computer generated animation for 1985.

Gothic Horror graphic novel 

Artwork done on spec for a proposed Gothic horror graphic novel set in Paris. The client wanted to see sample pages and character sketches.

Pyre (Full Body of Horror "Drink and Draw")

Concept and finished art used to promote a regular "Drink and Draw" gathering called Full Body of Horror. A series of life-drawing sessions in a bar setting utilizing models made up in horror makeup and costumes. It featured a lead character named Pyre, seen in the sketches and art below.

© 2015 - 2024 Charile Athanas

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