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Here are some select samples of my audio work.
Here are some select samples of my audio work.
Logos Portfolio
Encyclopedia Britannica Game LogoLogo for "Guardians of History" game. | INVITATION logoLogo for an event where creatives, tech, and business people can meet. |
Audible Voodoo Company logoCompany logo for Audible Voodoo, a music production studio. | Burning City, Inc. 2015 |
Lakeshore Kendo Club | Burning City, Inc. logoThis is the logo for my own company which has been around since 1995. |
Legs Akimbo label logoLogo for a music company, Legs Akimbo. | Atomic Bolt logoCompany logo for Atomic Bolt LP. |
Burning City, Inc. logoCompany logo for Burning City, Inc. | The Devil's Candy Store company logoCompany logo for the publishing company, The Devil's Candy Store. |
Technology Innovation Center logoA logo designed for a technology business incubator in Evanston, IL. TIC is one of the first and most successful tech incubators in the world. | The BeamHip hop producers Right Now Tour and HelloHipHop combined their brands to become The Beam Agency. |
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